Creature information |
| Banshee 1000 health 900 experience points per kill |
Summon/convince | - / - |
Ability: | melee, combat, speed |
Immunities: | paralyze, invisible |
Canwalkonfield: | fire, poison |
Elements Protection: | Death: 100 %, Holy: -25 %, Drown Damage: 100 %, Life Drain: 100 %, Fire: 100 %, Earth: 100 % |
Speed: | 110 |
Target Distance: | 1 |
Staticattack: | 90 |
Runonhealth: | 500 |
Bestiary: | Classe: Undead
Tokill: 1000
Firstunlock: 50
Secondunlock: 500
Charmspoints: 25
Stars: 3
Locations: Single one under the White Flower Temple in Thais (respawn takes about 20-25 minutes),
Banshee Quest area in Ghostlands (also accesible by Isle of the Kings), Demon Quest Room, Drefia,
Ancient Ruins Tomb, Desert Dungeon (unreachable), Pits of Inferno in Tafariels Throne room,
Cemetery Quarter in Yalahar, Vengoth Castle, one in Robson Isle.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: | 2 segundos, chance: 10% |
Empurra items: | yes |
Empurra criaturas: | yes |
Loot: | 100% - candlestick 2.3% - wedding ring 0.3% - crystal ring 6.25% - silver brooch 5.05% - white pearl 10.15% - black pearl 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 80 43.5% - silver amulet 2.6% - spellbook 0.35% - life crystal 4.1% - stone skin amulet 3.65% - ring of healing 4.55% - lyre 6.75% - poison dagger 0.75% - red robe 3.5% - blue robe 30.25% - simple dress 3.4% - strong mana potion 1.7% - terra mantle 20.75% - petrified scream 24.05% - hair of a banshee 0.2% - sweet smelling bait