Loot: | 100% - blue tome 5% - teddy bear 41.665% - crystal ring 100% - white pearl, maxcount = 15 55.555% - black pearl, maxcount = 14 100% - small diamond, maxcount = 5 100% - small sapphire, maxcount = 10 100% - small emerald, maxcount = 10 100% - small amethyst, maxcount = 17 62.5% - talon, maxcount = 7 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 69 100% - green gem 71.425% - blue gem 62.5% - might ring 62.5% - stealth ring 55.555% - strange symbol 62.5% - life crystal 100% - mind stone 100% - gold ring 100% - ring of healing 55.555% - twin axe 41.665% - golden armor 41.665% - magic plate armor 62.5% - demon shield 41.665% - golden boots 100% - demon horn, maxcount = 2 100% - death ring 100% - demonic essence 71.425% - ruthless axe 62.5% - assassin star, maxcount = 44 83.33% - havoc blade 71.425% - ravenwing 100% - great mana potion 100% - great health potion 41.665% - glacier kilt 100% - great spirit potion 100% - ultimate health potion 83.33% - oceanborn leviathan armor 41.665% - frozen plate 100% - spellbook of warding 55.555% - spellbook of mind control 83.33% - spellbook of lost souls 100% - spellscroll of prophecies 100% - spellbook of dark mysteries