Creature information |
| Mummy 240 health 150 experience points per kill |
Summon/convince | - / - |
Ability: | melee, combat, speed |
Immunities: | paralyze, invisible |
Canwalkonfield: | poison |
Elements Protection: | Death: 100 %, Holy: -25 %, Ice: 20 %, Drown Damage: 100 %, Life Drain: 100 %, Earth: 100 % |
Speed: | 75 |
Target Distance: | 1 |
Staticattack: | 90 |
Bestiary: | Classe: Undead
Tokill: 500
Firstunlock: 25
Secondunlock: 250
Charmspoints: 15
Stars: 2
Locations: Drefia, Daramas Dark Pyramid, Draconia, Mount Sternum Undead Cave, Green Claw Swamp,
Venore Amazon Camp underground, Helheim, Upper Spike, all Tombs, Dark Cathedral, Lions Rock.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: | 2 segundos, chance: 15% |
Pode ser domado (illusionable): | yes |
Empurra items: | yes |
Loot: | 7.5% - crystal ring 20% - silver brooch 5% - black pearl 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 80 25% - strange talisman 29% - magic light wand 0.5% - silver amulet 2.25% - poison dagger 0.85% - black shield 95% - worm, maxcount = 3 4.5% - yellow piece of cloth 50% - gauze bandage 0.05% - mini mummy 58.45% - flask of embalming fluid