Creature information |
| Cave Rat 30 health 10 experience points per kill |
Summon/convince | 250 / 250 |
Ability: | melee |
Elements Protection: | Fire: -10 % |
Speed: | 75 |
Target Distance: | 1 |
Staticattack: | 90 |
Runonhealth: | 3 |
Bestiary: | Classe: Mammal
Tokill: 250
Firstunlock: 10
Secondunlock: 100
Charmspoints: 5
Stars: 1
Locations: Almost everywhere in tibia, they seem to have a nest-like place in Greenshore,
a semi-large spawn at the entrance to the Port Hope troll cave and in cave near Ankrahmun ship.
Also appears in Rat Plague in Thais and Rat Plague in Rookgaard.
Pode empurrar: | yes |
Tempo para mudar de alvo: | 2 segundos, chance: 100% |
Pode ser domado (illusionable): | yes |
Loot: | 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 2 3.75% - cookie 100% - cheese 48.5% - worm, maxcount = 2