Contentbox headline
 Creature information
1000 health
700 experience points per kill
Summon/convince - / -
Ability: melee, combat
Immunities: paralyze, invisible
Canwalkonfield: energy, fire, poison
Elements Protection: Ice: -10 %, Fire: 100 %, Earth: 80 %, Energy: 20 %
Speed: 86
Target Distance: 1
Staticattack: 80
Runonhealth: 300
Bestiary: Classe: Dragon
Tokill: 1000
Firstunlock: 50
Secondunlock: 500
Charmspoints: 25
Stars: 3

Locations: Thais Ancient Temple, Darashia Dragon Lair, Mount Sternum Dragon Cave, Mintwallin, deep in Fibula Dungeon, Kazordoon Dragon Lair (near Dwarf Bridge), Plains of Havoc, Elven Bane castle, Maze of Lost Souls, southern cave and dragon tower in Shadowthorn, Orc Fortress, Venore Dragon Lair, Pits of Inferno, Behemoth Quest room in Edron, Hero Cave, deep Cyclopolis, Edron Dragon Lair, Goroma, Ankrahmun Dragon Lairs, Draconia, Dragonblaze Peaks, some Ankrahmun Tombs, underground of Fenrock (on the way to Beregar), Krailos Steppe and Crystal Lakes.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 2 segundos, chance: 10%
Pode ser domado (illusionable): yes
Empurra items: yes
Empurra criaturas: yes
Loot: 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 102
100% - dragon ham, maxcount = 2
78.25% - steel shield
48.4% - dragon's tail
45.6% - crossbow
40.3% - burst arrow, maxcount = 10
19.15% - longsword
17.45% - steel helmet
13.5% - broadsword
10.145% - plate legs
7.9% - double axe
5.65% - strong health potion
5.35% - green dragon leather
5.05% - green dragon scale
2.8% - wand of inferno
2.25% - small diamond
1.15% - serpent sword
1.15% - dragon hammer
0.85% - dragonbone staff
0.85% - life crystal
0.55% - dragon shield

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
1 - Tricomas Full Hd
1462, Sorcerer
2 - Barbie
1152, Elite Knight
3 - Lady Nina
1133, Master Sorcerer
4 - Zurtm
1122, Master Sorcerer
5 - Eovetin
1121, Elder Druid
Castle 24hrs
Castle War