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Sistema de Craft

Bem-vindo ao Sistema de Craft, a chave para desbloquear o verdadeiro potencial do seu personagem. Aqui, sua jornada de aprimoramento começa com a busca por materiais especiais. Aventure-se pelos mais perigosos calabouços, enfrente criaturas temíveis e supere desafios épicos para coletar os componentes necessários à criação de addons deslumbrantes, montarias impressionantes e itens lendários.

Lembre-se: A Máquina de Craft que aguarda sua visita está localizada no Templo. Prepare-se para elevar seu jogo a um novo patamar!

All Vocations
Upgrade Item
Upgrade Item
Itens Necessários:
Stonerefiner's Skull 100x Stonerefiner's Skull
Corncob 50x Corncob
Werewolf Fang 100x Werewolf Fang
Tarantula Eggs 100x Tarantula Eggs
Terramite Shell 50x Terramite Shell
Yielowax 50x Yielowax
Frosty hearts 100x Frosty hearts
Earflaps 200x Earflaps
Wyrm scales 2000x Wyrm scales
Bulltaur Hoofs 50x Bulltaur Hoofs
Hydra Heads 50x Hydra Heads
Werehyaena Noses 200x Werehyaena Noses
Undead Hearts 200x Undead Hearts
Dead Weights 200x Dead Weights
Cave Chimera Head 50x Cave Chimera Head
Squeezing Gear of Girlpower
Squeezing Gear of Girlpower
Itens Necessários:
Cyclops toes 50x Cyclops toes
Small Stone 50x Small Stone
Pieces of Crocodile Leather 50x Pieces of Crocodile Leather
Broken Halberds 50x Broken Halberds
Lizard Scales 50x Lizard Scales
Whacking Driller of Fate
Whacking Driller of Fate
Itens Necessários:
Cyclops toes 50x Cyclops toes
Small Stone 50x Small Stone
Pieces of Crocodile Leather 50x Pieces of Crocodile Leather
Broken Halberds 50x Broken Halberds
Lizard Scales 50x Lizard Scales
Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness
Sneaky Stabber of Eliteness
Itens Necessários:
Cyclops toes 50x Cyclops toes
Small Stone 50x Small Stone
Pieces of Crocodile Leather 50x Pieces of Crocodile Leather
Broken Halberds 50x Broken Halberds
Lizard Scales 50x Lizard Scales
Blessed Wooden Stake
Blessed Wooden Stake
Itens Necessários:
Demonic essence 100x Demonic essence
Obsidian Knife
Obsidian Knife
Itens Necessários:
Demonic essence 100x Demonic essence

Master Sorcerer
Grand Sanguine Coil
Grand Sanguine Coil
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Coil 1x Sanguine Coil
Soultainter 1x Soultainter
Falcon Wand 1x Falcon Wand
Lion Wand 1x Lion Wand
Naga Wand 1x Naga Wand
Cobra Wand 1x Cobra Wand
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Amber Wand
Amber Wand
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Lion Wand 1x Lion Wand
Wand of Defiance 10x Wand of Defiance
Robe of the Underworld 1x Robe of the Underworld

Elder Druid
Grand Sanguine Rod
Grand Sanguine Rod
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Rod 1x Sanguine Rod
Soulhexer 1x Soulhexer
Falcon Rod 1x Falcon Rod
Lion Rod 1x Lion Rod
Naga Rod 1x Naga Rod
Cobra Rod 1x Cobra Rod
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Amber Rod
Amber Rod
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Lion Rod 1x Lion Rod
Glacial Rod 10x Glacial Rod
Spellbook of Dark Mysteries 1x Spellbook of Dark Mysteries

Royal Paladin
Grand Sanguine Bow
Grand Sanguine Bow
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Bow 1x Sanguine Bow
Soulbleeder 1x Soulbleeder
Falcon Bow 1x Falcon Bow
Lion Longbow 1x Lion Longbow
Eldritch Bow 1x Eldritch Bow
Amber Bow 1x Amber Bow
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Crossbow
Grand Sanguine Crossbow
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Crossbow 1x Sanguine Crossbow
Soulpiercer 1x Soulpiercer
Naga Crossbow 1x Naga Crossbow
Cobra Crossbow 1x Cobra Crossbow
Crossbow of Destruction 1x Crossbow of Destruction
Amber Crossbow 1x Amber Crossbow
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Amber Crossbow
Amber Crossbow
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Naga Crossbow 1x Naga Crossbow
Rift Crossbow 10x Rift Crossbow
Royal Crossbow 1x Royal Crossbow
Amber Bow
Amber Bow
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Bow of Cataclysm 1x Bow of Cataclysm
Rift Bow 10x Rift Bow
Warsinger Bow 1x Warsinger Bow

Elite Knight
Grand Sanguine Battleaxe
Grand Sanguine Battleaxe
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Battleaxe 1x Sanguine Battleaxe
Souleater (Axe) 1x Souleater (Axe)
Naga Axe 1x Naga Axe
Falcon Battleaxe 1x Falcon Battleaxe
Lion Axe 1x Lion Axe
Amber Greataxe 1x Amber Greataxe
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Blade
Grand Sanguine Blade
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Blade 1x Sanguine Blade
Soulcutter 1x Soulcutter
Naga Sword 1x Naga Sword
Falcon Longsword 1x Falcon Longsword
Lion Longsword 1x Lion Longsword
Amber Slayer 1x Amber Slayer
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Cudgel
Grand Sanguine Cudgel
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Cudgel 1x Sanguine Cudgel
Soulmaimer 1x Soulmaimer
Resizer 1x Resizer
Cobra Club 1x Cobra Club
Lion Hammer 1x Lion Hammer
Amber Cudgel 1x Amber Cudgel
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Hatchet
Grand Sanguine Hatchet
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Hatchet 1x Sanguine Hatchet
Soulbiter 1x Soulbiter
Naga Axe 1x Naga Axe
Falcon Battleaxe 1x Falcon Battleaxe
Lion Axe 1x Lion Axe
Amber Axe 1x Amber Axe
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Razor
Grand Sanguine Razor
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Razor 1x Sanguine Razor
Soulshredder 1x Soulshredder
Naga Sword 1x Naga Sword
Falcon Longsword 1x Falcon Longsword
Lion Longsword 1x Lion Longsword
Amber Sabre 1x Amber Sabre
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Grand Sanguine Bludgeon
Grand Sanguine Bludgeon
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 100x Gold Tokens
Tainted Heart 350x Tainted Heart
Darklight Heart 350x Darklight Heart
Sanguine Bludgeon 1x Sanguine Bludgeon
Soulcrusher 1x Soulcrusher
Resizer 1x Resizer
Cobra Club 1x Cobra Club
Lion Hammer 1x Lion Hammer
Amber Bludgeon 1x Amber Bludgeon
Crystal Coin 2000x Crystal Coin
Amber Cudgel
Amber Cudgel
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Club 1x Cobra Club
Heavy Mace 10x Heavy Mace
Obsidian Truncheon 1x Obsidian Truncheon
Amber Bludgeon
Amber Bludgeon
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Club 1x Cobra Club
Heavy Mace 10x Heavy Mace
Amber Bludgeon x Amber Bludgeon
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Club 1x Cobra Club
Heavy Mace 10x Heavy Mace
Obsidian Truncheon 1x Obsidian Truncheon
Amber Axe
Amber Axe
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Axe 1x Cobra Axe
Rift Lance 10x Rift Lance
Hellforged Axe 1x Hellforged Axe
Amber Greataxe
Amber Greataxe
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Axe 1x Cobra Axe
Rift Lance 10x Rift Lance
Hellforged Axe 1x Hellforged Axe
Amber Sabre
Amber Sabre
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Sword 1x Cobra Sword
Crystalline Sword 10x Crystalline Sword
Emerald Sword 1x Emerald Sword
Amber Slayer
Amber Slayer
Itens Necessários:
Gold Tokens 20x Gold Tokens
Silver Tokens 20x Silver Tokens
Cobra Sword 1x Cobra Sword
Crystalline Sword 10x Crystalline Sword
Emerald Sword 1x Emerald Sword

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
1 - Tricomas Full Hd
1462, Sorcerer
2 - Barbie
1152, Elite Knight
3 - Lady Nina
1133, Master Sorcerer
4 - Zurtm
1122, Master Sorcerer
5 - Eovetin
1121, Elder Druid
Castle 24hrs
Castle War