Contentbox headline
 Creature information
Minotaur Guard
185 health
160 experience points per kill
Summon/convince 550 / 550
Ability: melee
Elements Protection: Death: -10 %, Holy: 10 %, Ice: -10 %, Fire: 20 %
Speed: 95
Target Distance: 1
Staticattack: 90
Bestiary: Classe: Humanoid
Tokill: 500
Firstunlock: 25
Secondunlock: 250
Charmspoints: 15
Stars: 2

Locations: Ancient Temple, Mintwallin, Minotaur Pyramid, Maze of Lost Souls, Folda, Cyclopolis, Deeper Fibula Dungeon (level 50+ to open the door), Hero Cave, underground of Elvenbane, Plains of Havoc, Kazordoon Minotaur Cave, Foreigner Quarter.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 2 segundos, chance: 100%
Pode ser domado (illusionable): yes
Empurra items: yes
Empurra criaturas: yes
Loot: 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 20
2% - double axe
14.9% - chain armor
21.95% - brass armor
10.75% - battle shield
2.4% - fishing rod
5% - minotaur leather
0.4% - minotaur trophy
2% - health potion
41.65% - minotaur horn, maxcount = 2
25.2% - piece of warrior armor

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
1 - Tricomas Full Hd
1462, Sorcerer
2 - Barbie
1152, Elite Knight
3 - Lady Nina
1133, Master Sorcerer
4 - Zurtm
1122, Master Sorcerer
5 - Eovetin
1121, Elder Druid
Castle 24hrs
Castle War