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 Creature information
65 health
40 experience points per kill
Summon/convince 305 / 305
Ability: melee
Speed: 58
Target Distance: 1
Staticattack: 70
Bestiary: Classe: Vermin
Tokill: 500
Firstunlock: 25
Secondunlock: 250
Charmspoints: 15
Stars: 2

Locations: Almost everywhere, like Ancient Temple, Vandura, Folda dungeon, Fibula Dungeon, caves connecting Edron and Cormaya, Venore Swamp Troll cave, Thais Troll cave, Ferngrims Gate, Dwarf Mines, Hellgate, below the graves in eastern Rookgaard, spider cave in western Rookgaard, cave northeast of AbDendriel, Darashia Rotworm Caves, Liberty Bay, Fenrock, below Green Claw Swamp and some other places.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 2 segundos, chance: 100%
Loot: 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 17
15% - sword
22.5% - mace
100% - meat
100% - ham
15% - worm, maxcount = 3
50% - lump of dirt
9.45% - legion helmet

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
1 - Tricomas Full Hd
1462, Sorcerer
2 - Barbie
1152, Elite Knight
3 - Lady Nina
1133, Master Sorcerer
4 - Zurtm
1122, Master Sorcerer
5 - Eovetin
1121, Elder Druid
Castle 24hrs
Castle War