Loot: | 17.5% - exercise token 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 63 100% - mastermind potion 100% - stone skin amulet 100% - heavy crystal fragment 100% - wand of inferno 100% - great mana potion, maxcount = 18 100% - blue crystal shard 100% - fire axe 100% - ultimate health potion, maxcount = 18 100% - fire sword 100% - great spirit potion, maxcount = 18 100% - luminous orb 100% - damaged worm head 100% - small amethyst 100% - small diamond 100% - slightly rusted helmet 93.75% - green gem 93.75% - slightly rusted shield 83.35% - silver token 83.35% - giant tentacle 83.35% - yellow gem 83.35% - blue gem 72.9% - small ruby 72.9% - giant shimmering pearl 72.9% - magic sulphur 62.5% - huge chunk of crude iron 62.5% - red gem 52.1% - small topaz 52.1% - small emerald 52.1% - muck rod 52.1% - gold token 31.25% - crystal coin 20.85% - gnome shield 20.85% - crystalline armor 20.85% - gnome sword 10.4% - terra mantle 10.4% - violet gem 16.95% - gnome legs