6:01:55 3/02/2025 |
Died at level 1444 by 14x True Midnight Asura, 2x True Dawnfire Asura, 8x True Frost Flower Asura. |
16:49:50 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1371 by Gore Horn, 2x Hulking Prehemoth. |
16:29:48 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1380 by Magma Bubble. |
16:28:07 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1388 by Magma Bubble, Outburst. |
13:15:16 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1397 by Many Faces, 4x Courage Leech, 3x Vibrant Phantom. |
13:12:46 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1406 by The Unwelcome. |
12:47:28 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1414 by 2x Many Faces, 3x Rotten Golem, 3x Bony Sea Devil. |
12:36:16 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1423 by Malofur Mangrinder. |
12:35:05 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1432 by The False God. |
12:33:01 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1441 by The False God, 4x Bony Sea Devil, 2x Rotten Golem. |
12:24:46 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1450 by 9x Bony Sea Devil, 11x Rotten Golem, 2x Many Faces. |
6:01:51 2/02/2025 |
Died at level 1447 by 17x True Midnight Asura, 6x True Dawnfire Asura. |
5:54:23 1/02/2025 |
Died at level 1442 by 7x True Dawnfire Asura, 23x True Midnight Asura. |
8:01:41 31/01/2025 |
Died at level 1331 by True Dawnfire Asura, 9x True Midnight Asura. |
13:44:43 30/01/2025 |
Died at level 1237 by True Midnight Asura, Zurtm. |
12:28:42 30/01/2025 |
Died at level 1235 by 12x True Midnight Asura, 3x True Dawnfire Asura. |
10:06:05 30/01/2025 |
Died at level 1237 by 13x True Midnight Asura, True Dawnfire Asura. |
0:13:42 30/01/2025 |
Died at level 1169 by Zurtm, Lady Nina. |
16:43:29 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1101 by Headpecker, 2x Mantosaurus, Mercurial Menace. |
16:35:59 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1108 by 3x Grim Reaper, 5x Vexclaw, 10x True Midnight Asura, 5x True Dawnfire Asura. |
16:34:07 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1115 by The Primal Menace, Primal Pack Beast, Malofur Mangrinder, 2x Fungosaurus. |
16:31:32 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1122 by The Primal Menace, Fungosaurus. |
16:27:03 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1129 by The Nightmare Beast. |
16:25:03 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1136 by The Nightmare Beast. |
14:09:05 29/01/2025 |
Died at level 1122 by Lady Nina, 8x True Midnight Asura, 2x True Dawnfire Asura. |
17:52:13 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 871 by 2x True Dawnfire Asura, True Midnight Asura, Zurtm. |
14:26:50 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 605 by 11x True Midnight Asura, True Dawnfire Asura. |
14:17:15 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 574 by True Midnight Asura, 10x True Dawnfire Asura. |
13:44:22 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 497 by The Fear Feaster. |
13:43:25 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 500 by 4x Noxious Ripptor. |
13:42:02 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 503 by Headpecker, 2x Noxious Ripptor. |
13:40:33 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 505 by 4x Rotten Golem, 2x Mould Phantom, Walking Pillar, 2x Branchy Crawler, Darklight Striker, 2x Darklight Matter. |
13:39:52 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 508 by 2x Noxious Ripptor, Shrieking Cry-Stal. |
13:34:25 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 504 by Behemoth, 2x Brachiodemon, 4x Infernal Demon, Ghastly Dragon, Cobra Scout, Infernal Phantom. |
13:29:06 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 506 by 5x Noxious Ripptor, 2x Headpecker, Shrieking Cry-Stal. |
11:38:34 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 509 by Mercurial Menace, 4x Noxious Ripptor, Shrieking Cry-Stal, 2x Headpecker, Mantosaurus. |
11:37:58 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 512 by 2x Mercurial Menace, 2x Noxious Ripptor, 2x Mantosaurus. |
11:37:20 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 516 by Sabretooth, 9x Gorerilla, Hulking Prehemoth. |
10:25:40 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 513 by 8x Gorerilla, Hulking Prehemoth, 2x Sabretooth, Emerald Tortoise, Gore Horn. |
6:02:19 28/01/2025 |
Died at level 516 by Cult Believer, 2x Vile Grandmaster, 2x Vicious Squire, 2x Cult Enforcer. |
23:30:04 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 326 by 5x Naga Warrior, Naga Archer, 2x Glooth Bandit, 6x Glooth Brigand, 2x Makara, Thanatursus, 2x Medusa, 2x Crazed Winter Rearguard, Crazed Winter Vanguard. |
23:17:26 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 298 by Emerald Tortoise, Gore Horn, 7x Gorerilla, Hulking Prehemoth, 2x Sabretooth. |
23:14:55 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 300 by 2x Gorerilla, Hulking Prehemoth, Gore Horn. |
23:02:39 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 299 by Midnight Asura, 5x Dawnfire Asura, 7x Wyrm, 5x Elder Wyrm, Hellspawn. |
20:43:30 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 235 by 4x Distorted Phantom. |
20:41:32 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 236 by 4x Wyrm, 9x Dragon, Dragon Hatchling. |
20:19:13 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 207 by Skeleton Elite Warrior, 3x Behemoth, Undead Elite Gladiator. |
17:23:20 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 209 by 4x Cyclops, Dragon, 3x Cyclops Drone, Barbarian Brutetamer, Falcon Paladin, Falcon Knight, 28x Behemoth, Fire Elemental, 3x Crawler, 2x Earth Elemental, 9x Cyclops Smith. |
16:47:44 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 122 by 3x Pirat Cutthroat, Pirat Bombardier. |
16:46:56 27/01/2025 |
Died at level 121 by Medusa. |