Contentbox headline
 Creature information
115 health
0 experience points per kill
Summon/convince - / -
Ability: melee, combat
Immunities: paralyze
Elements Protection: Death: 100 %, Earth: 90 %, Energy: 40 %, Physical: 60 %
Speed: 81
Target Distance: 7
Staticattack: 15
Runonhealth: 115
Bestiary: Classe: Fey
Tokill: 250
Firstunlock: 10
Secondunlock: 100
Charmspoints: 5
Stars: 1

Locations: All around Tiquanda and Feyrist. Several groups of Wisps can be found in and around the forests north of Edron. West of Hardek. Inside the Cyclops Camp. North of the triple Wyvern spawn outside Kazordoon. West of AbDendriel. West of Venore Amazon Camp. A few spawns around Venore, 2 spawn on the Formorgar Glacier, and on Krimhorn.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 2 segundos, chance: 15%
Pode ser domado (illusionable): yes
Empurra items: yes
Loot: 1.1% - moon backpack

Monster Pedestal Box
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