Creature information |
| Reality Reaver 3900 health 2480 experience points per kill |
Summon/convince | - / - |
Ability: | melee, combat, realityreaverwave, condition |
Immunities: | paralyze, invisible |
Canwalkonfield: | energy, fire |
Elements Protection: | Death: 5 %, Ice: 20 %, Fire: 10 %, Earth: -10 %, Energy: 85 % |
Speed: | 170 |
Target Distance: | 1 |
Staticattack: | 90 |
Bestiary: | Classe: ExtraDimensional
Tokill: 2500
Firstunlock: 100
Secondunlock: 1000
Charmspoints: 50
Stars: 4
Locations: Otherworld
Tempo para mudar de alvo: | 2 segundos, chance: 20% |
Empurra items: | yes |
Empurra criaturas: | yes |
Loot: | 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 100 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 6 75% - energy drink 75% - energy bar 75% - energy vein 73.5% - plasmatic lightning 57% - great spirit potion, maxcount = 2 51.5% - great mana potion, maxcount = 2 48.5% - great health potion, maxcount = 2 48.5% - plasma pearls 48% - dangerous proto matter 39.5% - blue crystal splinter 30% - red crystal fragment 22% - violet crystal shard 20% - blue crystal shard 13% - red gem 3.15% - collar of green plasma 2.6% - lightning headband 1.85% - violet gem 1.85% - ring of blue plasma 1.5% - collar of red plasma 1.1% - ring of green plasma