Contentbox headline
 Creature information
Lady Tenebris
175000 health
0 experience points per kill
Summon/convince - / -
Ability: melee, combat, tenebrissummon, tenebrisultimate
Immunities: paralyze, invisible
Canwalkonfield: energy, fire, poison
Elements Protection: Death: 60 %, Holy: 1 %, Ice: 15 %, Fire: 5 %, Earth: 20 %, Energy: 5 %
Reward Boss: yes
Speed: 400
Target Distance: 1
Staticattack: 98
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 15 segundos, chance: 30%
Empurra items: yes
Empurra criaturas: yes
Loot: 50% - gold coin, maxcount = 50
50% - platinum coin, maxcount = 50
50% - small amethyst, maxcount = 10
50% - small diamond, maxcount = 10
50% - small ruby, maxcount = 10
50% - small topaz, maxcount = 10
50% - great mana potion, maxcount = 100
50% - great spirit potion, maxcount = 100
60% - cluster of solace, maxcount = 2
10% - blue crystal shard, maxcount = 3
25% - green crystal shard, maxcount = 5
10% - cluster of solace, maxcount = 2
25% - violet crystal shard, maxcount = 3
30% - giant shimmering pearl
10% - green gem
10% - mastermind potion
10% - onyx pendant
5% - red gem
10% - ring of the sky
10% - shadow sceptre
5% - spellbook of lost souls
5% - spellbook of warding
5% - skull staff
5% - yellow gem
5% - wand of defiance
100% - gold token
17.5% - exercise token
100% - silver token, maxcount = 10
1% - arcane staff
1% - shadow mask
1% - shadow paint
1% - book of lies
1% - crude umbral spellbook
2.5% - part of a rune, unique
1% - sapphire amulet
1% - umbral spellbook

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
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5 - Eovetin
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