Loot: | 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 38 100% - crystal coin, maxcount = 5 100% - ultimate mana potion, maxcount = 8 100% - ultimate spirit potion, maxcount = 4 100% - supreme health potion, maxcount = 4 100% - berserk potion, maxcount = 2 100% - mastermind potion, maxcount = 2 100% - onyx chip, maxcount = 12 100% - small emerald, maxcount = 12 100% - demon horn 100% - lightning boots 100% - red gem 100% - violet gem 25% - stone skin amulet 100% - wand of starstorm 100% - gold token, maxcount = 4 100% - assassin dagger 100% - crystalline armor 100% - dreaded cleaver 100% - frozen lightning 5% - sinister book 0.05% - wand of dimensions