Loot: | 100% - primal bag, unique 100% - crystal coin, maxcount = 60 100% - ultimate mana potion, maxcount = 14 100% - ultimate health potion, maxcount = 14 100% - bullseye potion, maxcount = 5 100% - berserk potion, maxcount = 5 91.835% - mastermind potion, maxcount = 5 41.61% - royal almandine 36.61% - raw watermelon tourmaline 30.61% - giant amethyst 20.41% - giant ruby 20.41% - giant emerald 10.205% - giant sapphire 10.205% - giant topaz 12.25% - amber with a bug 10.75% - amber with a dragonfly 0.5% - arboreal tome 0.5% - arboreal crown 0.5% - alicorn headguard 0.5% - alicorn quiver 0.5% - arcanomancer regalia 0.5% - arcanomancer folio