Loot: | 12.5% - exercise token 100% - silver token, maxcount = 4 32.25% - collar of blue plasma 16.15% - ring of blue plasma 80.645% - ring of green plasma 48.4% - ring of red plasma 48.4% - collar of green plasma 64.5% - collar of red plasma 14.15% - enchanted sleep shawl 100% - red gem, maxcount = 2 14.15% - abyss hammer 15.65% - arcane staff 18.85% - beast's nightmare-cushion 80.645% - berserk potion 32.25% - blue gem 100% - bullseye potion 51.9% - chaos mace 100% - crystal coin, maxcount = 3 16.15% - dark whispers 37.75% - dragon figurine 100% - energy bar 9.45% - giant emerald 32.25% - giant ruby 14.15% - giant sapphire 48.4% - giant shimmering pearl 25% - gold ingot 100% - gold token 96.75% - green gem 10% - huge chunk of crude iron 48.4% - ice shield 42.45% - magic sulphur 64.5% - mastermind potion 100% - mysterious remains 100% - piggy bank 100% - piggy bank 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 9 33% - purple tendril lantern 23.6% - ring of the sky 100% - royal star, maxcount = 193 100% - silver token, maxcount = 4 64.5% - skull staff 10% - soul stone 100% - supreme health potion, maxcount = 29 37.75% - turquoise tendril lantern 100% - ultimate mana potion, maxcount = 29 100% - ultimate spirit potion, maxcount = 24 32.25% - violet gem 100% - yellow gem, maxcount = 2