Creature information |
| Deepling Guard 1900 health 2100 experience points per kill |
Summon/convince | - / - |
Ability: | melee, combat |
Immunities: | invisible |
Canwalkonfield: | fire |
Elements Protection: | Death: 10 %, Ice: 100 %, Drown Damage: 100 %, Fire: 100 %, Earth: -10 %, Energy: -10 % |
Speed: | 135 |
Target Distance: | 1 |
Staticattack: | 70 |
Runonhealth: | 20 |
Bestiary: | Classe: Aquatic
Tokill: 1000
Firstunlock: 50
Secondunlock: 500
Charmspoints: 25
Stars: 3
Locations: Fiehonja. During Deeplings stage 1 around 10 spawns exist.
Also may spawn during the gemcutting mission. Many more spawns in almost all areas of Deepling stage 2 and 3.
Tempo para mudar de alvo: | 2 segundos, chance: 15% |
Empurra items: | yes |
Loot: | 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 90 100% - gold coin, maxcount = 90 100% - platinum coin, maxcount = 2 71.425% - great mana potion, maxcount = 3 71.425% - great health potion, maxcount = 3 83.33% - deepling breaktime snack 62.5% - deepling guard belt buckle 50% - eye of a deepling 45.45% - deepling claw 14.45% - small sapphire, maxcount = 3 8.47% - heavy trident 4.625% - guardian axe 3.755% - deepling squelcher 1.665% - deepling backpack 1.81% - ornate crossbow 0.05% - foxtail