Contentbox headline
 Creature information
15 health
10 experience points per kill
Summon/convince - / -
Ability: melee
Canwalkonfield: poison
Elements Protection: Ice: -10 %, Fire: -10 %, Earth: 40 %, Energy: 20 %
Speed: 60
Target Distance: 1
Staticattack: 90
Bestiary: Classe: Reptile
Tokill: 250
Firstunlock: 10
Secondunlock: 100
Charmspoints: 5
Stars: 1

Locations: In almost all grassy areas of Tibia. Also found in Rookgaard.
Pode empurrar: yes
Tempo para mudar de alvo: 2 segundos, chance: 100%
Pode ser domado (illusionable): yes
Loot: 14.35% - golden mug
60% - small sapphire
100% - gold coin, maxcount = 239
2.95% - energy ring
31.25% - life ring
4% - life crystal
4.65% - snakebite rod
2.8% - warrior helmet
3.35% - strange helmet
2.55% - crown armor
2.75% - old parchment
0.7% - royal helmet
4.6% - tower shield
31% - power bolt
91% - green mushroom
0.9% - charmer's tiara
10.35% - mercenary sword
3.75% - noble axe
10% - great mana potion
0.45% - swamplair armor
0.45% - spellbook of mind control
74% - snake skin
4.8% - winged tail

Monster Pedestal Box
espanhol ingles portugues poland
Top Experience
1 - Tricomas Full Hd
1462, Sorcerer
2 - Barbie
1152, Elite Knight
3 - Lady Nina
1133, Master Sorcerer
4 - Zurtm
1122, Master Sorcerer
5 - Eovetin
1121, Elder Druid
Castle 24hrs
Castle War